Our expertise

TRAAK has genuine expertise in innovative geolocation and biometric tracking solutions for complex environments.

Our expertise is divided into four keys business verticals

  • Cooperative tracking or Blue Force Tracking (BFT) // Loneworker Protection (LWP) // Isolated Worker Alarm System
  • Non-cooperative Tracking in security defence
  • Drone & robot navigation in GPS denied environments
  • Tailor-made projects


Cooperative tracking (BFT / LWP / IWAS)

Our solutions, including PIXYS 3D, Calavry, DeepCom and Theseus, meet the needs of geolocation, communication and biometric tracking in constrained environments. We cover all types of personal or assets protection issues. Our solutions cover the lone worker protection (LWP), the Isolated Worker Alarm System and the coordination of the teams involved.

Montage photo présentant les 4 technologies TRAAK (DEEPCOM, PIXYS 3D, CAVALRY et THESEUS) conçues pour le tracking coopératif

Non-cooperative Tracking

Non-cooperative tracking is focused exclusively on the needs of the security and defence sectors. It covers tasks such as tagging, shadowing, discreet intelligence gathering and the search for illegal passengers. Solutions such as TRAAK-R, SARO and MMD01 are the most suitable.

Montage des logos TRAAK-R, MMD01, du blason du concept du mouton à 5 pattes et affichage du HVI prize (approche innovante primée par le cercle de l'Arbalète)

Navigation in GPS denied environments

We are developing GPS/GNSS-free drone and robot navigation in indoor, underground or electronic jammed environments (anti-drone combat). Our Basilik suite of technological solutions makes it possible.

Montage illustrant une solution TRAAK dans un cadre militaire

Customized solutions

We offer our customers 100% French in-house R&D and production capabilities. We respond to projects requiring a high level of confidentiality and sovereignty. We also offer specific solutions when off-the-shelf solutions are not suitable.

Montage regroupant des photos d'illustration de militaires, d'un spectacle nocturne, d'un chantier et d'un mine souterraine