Photo illustrative d'un bateau bénéficiant des solutions TRAAK en pleine mer


Our beliefs

At TRAAK, we are covinced that reliable, accurate physiological and/or location data, accessible in all circumstance, can contribute to the increased safety of personnal operating in demanding environments. Thus, it also improves technical, industrial and economic performance for our customers

TRAAK solutions

Cooperative tracking (BFT)

Montage photo présentant les 4 technologies TRAAK (DEEPCOM, PIXYS 3D, CAVALRY et THESEUS) conçues pour le tracking coopératif

Non-cooperative Tracking

Montage des logos TRAAK-R, MMD01, du blason du concept du mouton à 5 pattes et affichage du HVI prize (approche innovante primée par le cercle de l'Arbalète)

Navigation in GPS denied environments

Montage illustrant une solution TRAAK dans un cadre militaire

Customized TRAAK solutions

Montage regroupant des photos d'illustration de militaires, d'un spectacle nocturne, d'un chantier et d'un mine souterraine

Our markets

TRAAK develops geolocation and biometric tracking solutions for complex, degraded environments. TRAAK works in the security (police, fire department, army, prison administration, border patrols, civil security), defense and industrial (energy, construction, logistics, healthcare) markets. Our expertise in geolocation means we can generate data in any environments (outdoor, indoor, underground, gps denied. We can communicate data wherever it’s needed. Visualisation is provided either via TRAAK solutions or via an API in your hypervisor/C2.

TRAAK solutions are developed and made in France.

Safety & security

Our indoor/outdoor/underground geolocation and physiological monitoring solutions provide reliable data in real time in all environments, even the most
constrained. By combining data transmission, visualisation and analysis, TRAAK
helps first responders to focus on their mission.

TRAAK technologies (DeepCom, PIXYS 3D, Theseus or Cavalry) ensure the safety of the operators involved. These technologies also help commanders to better
understand hostile environments so that they can make the best decisions.

Meanwhile, TRAAK-R and MMD01 devices meet the needs of law enforcement agencies for tagging, shadowing and tracking illegal immigrants. TRAAK’s customised solutions meet the most special requirements. Basilik, for example, enables law enforcement agencies to combine anti-drone measures to avoid any threat and to continue to fly their drones despite electronic jamming.



Deep-indoor / indoor / outdoor geolocation, geofencing and the ability to collect reliable data in real time ensure the safety of units in action. These datas also guarantee the protection of sites, with cooperative or non-cooperative geolocation. With Basilik for example, military forces can ensure mission continuity for their UAVs and robots, even in GPS-denied environments.

Our understanding of the highly constrained environments in which different units operate means we can respond to all types of customised requirements. This makes us the self-proclaimed guardians of rare birds or legendary animals, known in France as the “Mouton à 5 pattes” !

Industrial Markets

At TRAAK, we offer reliable technological solutions, specifically designed to secure industrial sites, goods and isolated workers by responding to different constraints :

  • Safety of the operator and isolated workers
  • Environemnts (oil and gas industries, underground or open-air mines covering several kilometers
  • Fleet management (transport and logistics)
  • Efficiency/productivity
  • Stock and patien management in hospitals